Hari Bendera 2007
Still remember that there will be one day in a year where we'll see the St John Ambulance students walking round the street of an area to collect donation with the white tin?
Well, today is the day again!
The Flag Day, if I'm not mistaken.
I'm a "puteri lilin"("candle princess" if you know what I mean).
So, I hate these kind of activities which exposed me to heat and the sun! I never took part in those uniform units because I knew I can't stand it. Cut me OUT!
Now, looking at the young St John Ambulance students walking around collecting donation, I won't avoid them anymore! I asked them to come to me and I donate.
It's great that these young people help the society whether voluntarily or force to volunteer! Hahaha! Anyway it's a good intension indeed!
And after I donated, the boys said,
'Thank you, auntie!'
Oh, the word I hated most when someone greeted me with!
What to do? Just got to admit getting old and is old liao!
Looking at them walking away, I could only feel regretted because I seldom or almost never contribute to the society with the only asset I had when I'm a teenager, ie my energy!
Although it needed a lot of energy, time and feeling uncomfortable under the hot sun, feeling shy to ask for donation, it's a form of contribution, training, and experience as well!
I had missed out all that valuable things in my teenage years already!
After thoughts:
So now, I hope I won't miss out anymore valuable experiences!
Love between man and woman is one of it, and just one part of it.
There're other parts of life which I don't want to miss out also.
If I have children, I would tell them the same thing.
And force them to join these active uniform units to learn how to contribute to the society! Hahaha!
Don't repeat the steps of their mama!